Saturday, March 30, 2013

March Highlights

I am terrible at taking pictures. Literally, my skills are limited to pointing and clicking with my cell phone. So while the photo quality may not be the greatest, here are some things that kept me smiling this month: 

Giving in to pregnancy cravings. Mmmm, In N Out. 

Spring Colored Manicures (I'll clean it up BEFORE pictures next time) 

My sister bringing my adorable nephew Bryce over to visit. This face!! 

Good company when my husband is out of town for work. 

Seeing my baby girl's face for the first time. 

Grabbing breakfast with a friend mid-week; great stress reliever! 

All in all, March was a pretty fantastic month for me. I can't wait to see what April has in store!


  1. Seems like you had a pretty good March (with some yummy food)! We might be vacationing in L.A. this summer, and In N Out is one of the few things I'm looking forward to!

    1. My world basically revolves around food right now.

  2. I lovelovelove that I get to read your blog now and we may actually be able to chat beyond 140 characters ;)

    I love your pictures- it looks like March was a great month! I have never been to In & Out but that burger is calling my name!!!

    And you are the 2nd person I know having a girl this year...I knew so many people having babies but they are all boys except you & a co-worker. Can't wait to hear what name you pick!

    I made my blog! It took forever oh my lord but I'm glad I have it :) xo


    1. Yaaay, I'm glad you're blogging. 140 characters is not enough to really keep up with people.

      <3 <3
